Where to see Kerala elephants in the wild?

Where to see Kerala elephants in the wild?

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Do you want to spot majestic elephants in all their glory in the wild, ensuring your safety? Here are five spots in Kerala to ethically enjoy watching them roaming around freely.

Do you want to spot majestic elephants in all their glory in the wild, ensuring your safety? Here are five spots in Kerala to ethically enjoy watching them roaming around freely.

Image Credit: iStock/Craig Ansibin
Anakkulam stream in Idukki's Mankulam

Anakkulam stream in Idukki's Mankulam

Elephants visit this stream in Idukki district in big herds every evening to savour its salty water. The spot is just 8 km away from Mankulam town. tourists can also take a dip in the cool waters of the check dam here.

Image Credit: iStock/Jimmy Kamballur
Periyar Tiger Reserve

Periyar Tiger Reserve

A boat safari at the Periyar Lake in the reserve will let you see the gentle giants in their natural habitat, roaming around, drinking water and bathing. You can also try a jungle safari here to spot them.

Image Credit: iStock/shyam kumar K S

Silent Valley National Park

The best way to spot elephants here is during the guided treks and safaris through its dense rainforest. You can also follow their designated trails here.

Image Credit: iStock/goodze

Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary

This lesser-known dry deciduous forest, close to the Eravikualm National Park, often experiences elephant sightings during mornings and late afternoons. It has guided tours and trekking options for tourists to explore the elephant waterholes and observation points in the area.

Image Credit: iStock/Wayne Marinovich

Parambikulam Tiger Reserve

It has quite a few eco-resorts and lodges, which also arrange treks and safaris for those who love elephants. The local guides and forest officials here can guide you towards areas with the most frequent sightings.

Image Credit: iStock/jimmy kamballur

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

The sanctuary, which is part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, has homestays, lodges and resorts inside or nearby it from where you can check out elephants. Those interested in the conservation efforts here can also take part in such activities.

Image Credit: iStock/Tanes Ngamsom

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