Low calorie content, high water content, hydration potential, vitamins... there are many reasons to eat cucumber if you are on a weight loss diet. However, the fruit has its set of side effects too which you should know before including them in your diet.
The cucurbitacin in cucumber can cause bloating and indigestion, leading to gastrointestinal discomfort for some people.
The high potassium content in cucumber can affect certain medications that you are taking. Therefore, have it only after checking with your doctor.
The presence of certain proteins and pollen in them can trigger allergies. Interestingly, some people with latex allergy can also experience reactions if they eat cucumber.
According to Ayurveda, if your body has a naturally cold constitution, consuming cucumbers might lead to discomfort at times.
If cucumber is a big part of your weight loss diet, it doesn’t have enough protein content, which can make you lose your muscles and slow down your metabolism.