If reaching for your favourite snack is a late-night habit for you, it might affect your health adversely, according to experts. Here are a few reasons why eating late can be hard on your body, according to experts.
Carbs consumed in the evening and at night can cause a major sugar spike in your body, as compared to those eaten earlier in the day. This can eventually increase the risk of developing high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes
As it interrupts proper sleep and leads to many physiological changes, late-night snacking can lead to increased belly fat and the risk of long-term weight gain. Note that your metabolism is slower at night. Your last meal of the day should be done at least three hours before your bedtime.
Nighttime snacking usually means consuming high-calorie foods like chips, burgers, pizzas, and the like, watching TV or your laptop, without minding the quantity. This means you end up consuming a big dose of low-nutrition food.
Some experts say that late-night snackers have poor sleep quality, because of which they wake up at night to eat. Also, sleeping immediately after a heavy late-night meal can seriously hamper your health and sleep quality.
Some experts opine that nighttime snacking can cause conditions like anxiety and depression. This is because the poor sleep quality affects brain function. The snackers can also tend to feel that they don't have proper control of their lives, resulting in intermittent bad moods.