The film stars Ethan Hawke as Ellison Oswalt, a well-known true crime writer who relocates his family to a house where a ghastly family tragedy occurred. Motivated by a desire to write about the incident and reclaim his faded glory, Ellison's fixation on uncovering the truth and attaining fame ultimately leads him down a harrowing path from which there is no escape.
Mia, a grieving teenager, finds solace in her best friend Jade and her brother Riley (Joe Bird) after the loss of her mother. However, when Mia and Jade attend a fateful party and engage in a chilling game involving a 'severed' hand that communicates with the deceased, the film spirals into chaos as vengeful spirits choose to linger, setting the stage for a chilling narrative.
Ari Aster's 'Hereditary' is a haunting film that lingers in the viewer's mind long after the credits roll. It defies the conventions of typical horror movies by opting for a disturbing and unsettling approach. Anchored by themes of trauma and grief, the movie delves into the depths of human emotions to create an unsettling horror experience.
Directed by Banjong Pisanthanakun, this Thai horror-comedy weaves a tale around Mak, a war veteran, who invites his four soldier comrades to his home. Upon arrival, they're greeted by a terrified village haunted by a ghost, rumoured to be Mak's wife, Nak.
The 1973 film ‘The Exorcist' stands as an enduring masterpiece in the horror genre. Directed by William Friedkin, it redefined the standards of fear and continues to grip audiences to this day.
The story revolves around Jamie Ashen (portrayed by Ryan Kwanten), a widower who returns to his hometown after his wife's baffling murder. Within the fabric of his old community, he uncovers the unsettling tale of Mary Shaw, a local ventriloquist whose unsolved murder continues to cast a chilling pall over the entire town.