Pokkiri, helmed by Prabhudeva is a remake of the identically titled Telugu film. Vijay's exceptional performance in Pokkiri garnered immense praise, propelling it to become one of the year's biggest blockbusters.
In this film, Vijay portrays the role of a single parent, shouldering the responsibility of caring for his young daughter, brilliantly portrayed by baby Nainika.
Ghilli stands as a pinnacle of success in Vijay's illustrious career and remains an iconic film in Tamil cinema. While it is a remake of the Telugu movie 'Okkadu', it is widely acknowledged that the Tamil version outshined its original counterpart, both in terms of appeal and success.
Vijay, who is famous for action dramas, embarked on a remarkable transformation in Thuppakki by portraying the character of an army officer, which left the audience pleasantly surprised.
In the movie, Vijay portrayed the role of Mohanlal's adopted son, forging a remarkable on-screen partnership.