Bengaluru - Chennai train travel time to reduce by four hours: Vande Bharat, Shatabdi trains to be faster
Currently, the travel time is 4 hours 25 minutes.
Currently, the travel time is 4 hours 25 minutes.
Currently, the travel time is 4 hours 25 minutes.
If all goes well, those travelling from Bengaluru to Chennai by train can soon reduce their travel time by four hours. Currently, the travel time is 4 hours 25 minutes. If the speed enhancement initiatives undertaken by the South Western Railway (SWR) get approved by the Railway Safety Commissioner soon enough, it will also cut the travel time between the destinations by 20 minutes. A speed trial was conducted between KSR Bengaluru and Jolarpettai in Tamil Nadu's Tirupattur (144 km), to improve the speed limit from 110 kmph to 130 kmph. The trial saw the speed increase to 144 mph.
A busy corridor
The Bengaluru—Jolarpettai corridor, which connects Garden City's various IT and startup hubs with Tamil Nadu's industrial and automobile sectors, is already at 130 kmph. It's also a busy stretch daily. According to reports, the improved speed limit will speed up two Vande Bharat trains (Train no.s 20608 and 20663), trains with LHB (Linke-Hofmann-Busch) coaches, and Shatabdi trains (Train no.s 12028 and 12008).