UAE visiting visa: Better to purchase onward and return tickets from same airline; here's why

Besides the return ticket, the visit visa holders should carry or have in their account 3000 dirhams for a month-long visa and 5000 dirhams for a two–month visa. Photo: Special Arrangement

Dubai: Travel agencies have been giving their customers directives about the UAE's strict visit visa rules to ensure they can board flights without any difficulties. The latest instruction for the travellers is to book the return ticket on the same airline to avoid confusion during the emigration procedure. Some passengers with return tickets booked in a different airline could not board the flights at some airports. Those who are travelling on a visiting visa usually submit dummy tickets. They cancel this ticket as soon as they enter UAE. If the return ticket too is from the same airline, then the airport staff will be able to verify its validity while issuing the boarding pass. Besides the return ticket, the visit visa holders should carry or have in their account 3000 dirhams for a month-long visa and 5000 dirhams for a two–month visa. Credit cards with these limits too would be allowed. The travellers should submit documents of hotel booking, and in case they are staying with a friend or a relative, they should give the details of their visas, address proof and Emirates id. 

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