Flights to Kozhikode diverted to Kochi and Kannur airports due to inclement weather

Landing flights on Kozhikode International Airport's tabletop runway is challenging in adverse weather conditions. Photo: Manorama

Due to inclement weather, four flights which were supposed to land at Kozhikode airport were diverted to Kochi and Kannur airports on Tuesday. As per reports, the flights from Doha and Bahrain are now diverted to Kochi due to rain and fog. Two flights from Kozhikode are also delayed due to weather conditions. The district has received heavy rainfall today. The flights will be back on a regular schedule once weather conditions improve. Landing flights on Kozhikode International Airport's tabletop runway is challenging in adverse weather conditions. In August 2020, an Air India Express flight crashed in Kozhikode airport killing 21 people and injuring around 170 passengers.

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