Dubai Airport will be rolling out a new baggage rule which is to be implemented to improve service, reduce the number of mis-handling and enhance the performance of its check-in and baggage operations.

Dubai Airport will be rolling out a new baggage rule which is to be implemented to improve service, reduce the number of mis-handling and enhance the performance of its check-in and baggage operations.

Dubai Airport will be rolling out a new baggage rule which is to be implemented to improve service, reduce the number of mis-handling and enhance the performance of its check-in and baggage operations.

Dubai Airport will be rolling out a new baggage rule which is to be implemented to improve service, reduce the number of mishandlings and enhance the performance of its check-in and baggage operations.

According to the recent rule that comes into effect from March 8, all the bags should have a flat surface. You will have to repack your bags at the airport for a fee if your bags are irregular shaped, oversized or round bags. 


"Dubai International provides some of the most sophisticated baggage systems in the world," said Ali Angizeh, vice president of terminal operations at Dubai International. "However, even the most technologically advanced systems can be disrupted by irregular shaped or oversized bags. Bags that are round or do not have a flat surface of any kind are by far the largest source of baggage jams. "These jams can shut down sections of our system, delay baggage delivery to the aircraft and inconvenience our customers," he said.

Baggage carousel. Photo: Getty Images

However, if you show up at the airport with non-compliant baggage, you will be given the option to repack the luggage in boxes for a fee during the intial days. 


(With inputs from Agencies)