Dubai inches towards world's 'most visited tourist destination' title

The authorities added that the tourism sector’s performance in the first half of 2023 is the best in its history. Photo: Shutterstock

Dubai: The Emirate has been a major tourism destination for tourists and visitors from all over the globe for a while. As per the latest reports, more than 85 million foreign tourists have visited Dubai during the first half of the year, already. Interestingly, these numbers have surpassed the number of tourists who had visited the Emirate prior to the pandemic outbreak. In the first half of 2019, more than 83.6 million tourists visited Dubai. The latest reports show a 20% increase in the number of tourists.

Meanwhile, the Economy and Tourism Department said that Dubai is inching towards being the world’s most visited tourist destination. The authorities added that the tourism sector’s performance in the first half of 2023 is the best in its history.

The booking rate at the hotels in Dubai was at 78%. Interestingly, this is one of the highest booking rates in the world. The department authorities said that this indicates Dubai’s capabilities to grow at a scintillating pace.

Dubai’s performance in the tourism sector has been better than International Labour Organisation’s prediction that world tourism would return to the pre-pandemic state at least by 80 – 95%.

Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum recently said that Dubai would just not be the biggest tourism centre in the world but a major financial power too. 

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