Asian Games volleyball: Indian men enter quarterfinals

India will face Japan in the quarterfinals. Photo: X@Media_SAI

Hangzhou: The Indian men's volleyball team continued their impressive run, advancing to the quarterfinals with a clinical 3-0 win over Chinese Taipei at the Asian Games here on Friday.

Following their stunning victory over South Korea, India on Friday notched up a 25-22, 25-22, 25-21 win over Chinese Taipei in an hour and 25 minutes to progress to the 1-6th place playoffs.

India will face Japan on Sunday.

India lagged 6-10 early on but Keralite Erin Varghese helped the side to reduce the gap to 11-13. After lagging for most part, India finally drew parity at 21-21 before Erin and Ashwal Rai won the final two points to give India the lead.

India led 3-0 initially in the second set but Chinese Taipei managed to level the scores at 17-17. However, Indian moved ahead in the final moments with consecutive points to close the issue 25-22.

India made a positive start in the decider, leading 10-4 at one stage. Chinese Taipei managed to narrow it down to 10-12 before drawing level at 14-14. India, however, moved ahead to 21-18 before sealing it comfortably 25-21.

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