FIFA suspends Emiliano Martinez for 'offensive behaviour'

Emiliano Martinez celebrates with the Copa America's trophy after the World Cup qualifer against Chile. File photo: Reuters/Rodrigo Valle

Buenos Aires: Argentina goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez has been suspended for two matches by FIFA for "offensive behaviour", the Argentine Football Association (AFA) said in a statement on Friday.

Martinez will miss Argentina's next South American qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup against Venezuela and Bolivia in October.

The Aston Villa goalkeeper has been suspended over incidents in matches against Chile and Colombia earlier this month.

In the Chile game, his first since winning the Copa America in the United States, Martinez celebrated by making a lewd gesture with the trophy, as he did after winning the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

After the loss to Colombia, the 32-year-old hit a local television camera.

"Emiliano Martinez is being held responsible for his offensive behaviour and violation of the principles of fair play," the AFA said in a statement, adding that it disagreed with the FIFA Disciplinary Committee's decision.

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