World sings praise as Afghanistan celebrates historic semifinal berth

Afghan players are cock-a-hoop after beating Bangladesh. Photo: X@ICC

Packed with thousands of frenzied fans, the streets in Afghanistan were buzzing with unbridled joy after the Rashid Khan-led side marched into the T20 World Cup semifinals, taking down some of international cricket's bigwigs along the way.

The eight-run win over Bangladesh in a rain-truncated Super 8 match helped the Afghans join India, England and South Africa in the last-four stage. In the process, former champions Australia, who have repeatedly refused to host Afghanistan due to the Taliban rule there, were knocked out.

Afghanistan had earlier humbled New Zealand in the league stage and beaten Australia in a Super 8 clash some days back.

The moment Mustafizur Rehman was trapped in front of the wicket by Naveen-ul-Haq, the streets in Khost, Paktia and Kabul began to overflow with fans to celebrate the historic day.

Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB) posted pictures from these cities on X.

Another post showed thousands of fans celebrating on the roads, in the balconies of their homes and on the rooftops of shops.

Indian icon Sachin Tendulkar lauded the determination of the Afghan side.

Former Australian all-rounder Tom Moody congratulated the winners.

"Wow what a game full of drama of all sorts and that is an understatement! Congratulations to @ACBofficials a special achievement," Moody posted.

Explosive opener of his time, Virender Sehwag was also effusive in his praise for Rashid and his men.

"Wow, Afghanistan. What an effort. Beating New Zealand, beating Australia and making the semi- finals of a World Cup. This is what progress is. Congratulations."

Almost all IPL teams congratulated the Afghan team and former India cricketers Yuvraj Singh, Harbhajan Singh, Suresh Raina and S Badrinath also praised the team for being bigger than its circumstances.

"Afghanistan enters the Semi-Finals! Shining through the tournament with incredible skills and determination. What a journey it has been so far for themkeep the momentum going, boys!," posted Raina.

"Afghanistan deserved a semifinal spot and they have earned it," wrote Badrinath.

Former Pakistan wicketkeeper-batter Kamran Akmal acknowledged the brilliant bowling effort of Rashid and Naveen-ul Haq who shared eight wickets between them.

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