ICC announces umpires and match referees for T20 World Cup

Ntini Menon and Javagal Srinath. File photos: IANS

Dubai: Umpires Nitin Menon and J Madanagopal, along with International Cricket Council I(CC) match referee Javagal Srinath, will be the Indian representatives at the upcoming T20 World Cup next month.

The ICC on Friday announced the list of 26 match officials set to be in charge for the first round of the month-long event to be held in the United States of America (USA) and the West Indies, starting June 1.

There will be 20 umpires who will be officiating in 55 matches across nine venues, which also include renowned ICC umpires -- Richard Illingworth, Kumar Dharmasena, Chris Gaffaney and Paul Reiffel.

Besides Madanagopal, the likes of Sam Nogajski, Allahudien Paleker, Rashid Riaz and Asif Yaqoob will also be making their ICC senior men's competition debut.

David Boon, Jeff Crowe, Ranjan Madugalle, Andrew Pycroft and Richie Richardson are match referees besides Srinath.

"Within the selected cohort, we have a complement of experienced match officials and other high-performing members who have been recognized for their strong and consistent performances," said ICC General Manager, Wasim Khan, in a release.

"The throughput from the pathway programme will continue to see the development and emergence of high-quality match officials across the game.

We are proud of the team we have assembled. We are confident that our officials will perform strongly."

Umpires: Chris Brown, Kumar Dharmasena, Chris Gaffaney, Michael Gough, Adrian Holdstock, Richard Illingworth, Allahudien Paleker, Richard Kettleborough, J Madanagopal, Nitin Menon, Sam Nogajski, Ahsan Raza, Rashid Riaz, Paul Reiffel, Langton Rusere, Shahid Saikat, Rodney Tucker, Alex Wharf, Joel Wilson and Asif Yaqoob.

Match referees: David Boon, Jeff Crowe, Ranjan Madugalle, Andrew Pycroft, Richie Richardson and Javagal Srinath. 

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