Owners of Kuwait building gutted in fire offer 'fullest assistance' to bereaved families

A policeman stands outisde the building in the Mangaf area of Kuwait that was gutted in fire. Gas cylinders that were possibly removed from the building can be seen. Photo: X/@kuna_ar

The NBTC Group, which owns the building at Mangaf in Kuwait that caught fire on Wednesday killing at least 49 people, the majority of whom were Indians, has expressed shock.

In a press release, the Group said the deceased workers were like 'family members'. “We are in touch with the families of those who lost their lives and those who are injured. We will keep all updated on a regular basis, the true and factual information about the incident. Our team is relentlessly working on all the arrangements needed thereof and assures everyone that we will not spare anything for whatever is needed on our behalf,” the release said.

The Group that has Mohammed N Al-Baddah as Chairman said it will render the “fullest assistance to the families of those who unfortunately lost their lives and to the families of those who are injured. We assure the families of those who are injured that almost all are reported to be stable by hospital authorities”.

The Group said it will observe a day of mourning on June 13 as a mark of respect for those who died.

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