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Last Updated Tuesday November 10 2020 03:20 PM IST

Delhi mother kills and stuffs infant girl into washing machine

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Ghaziabad: A 22-year-old woman has been arrested from Patla town here for allegedly smothering her newborn girl child as she wanted a boy, police said Monday.

The young mother, who gave birth to her first child three months ago, was frustrated and angry at herself for not having a son, SSP Akash Tomar said.

In a fit of rage, Aarti smothered the infant with a pillow yesterday and stuffed the body in a washing machine, police said.

Though the accused initially claimed that the child had been kidnapped, she later confessed to the crime, Tomar said.

The family members of the woman claimed that they had never pressurized her for a boy, police said.

The case is being investigated, they added.

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