Lucknow: At an event, the UP chief minister, Yogi Adityanath, dumped salt onto the bleeding wounds of Lucknow, bereaving the loss of over a hundred babies in different incidents of medical apathy, asking if people will soon leave babies to state care.
He made the inopportune comment at an event where he was speaking about the filth strewn around and the lack of public responsibility around it.
He was trying to point out how people left it to the municipal corporation and other civic bodies to clean up the mess.
"There is no civic sense or responsibility to keep the city clean and at times I fear that there might be a time when people will produce children and then expect governments to look after them," he said as the gathering burst into laughter.
The AAP's UP unit Wednesday lashed out at Yogi's 'brash and insensitive' statement, and the state Aam Aadmi Party spokesman Vaibhav Maheshwari said that the CM should know that every person born in the country pays taxes right from his first immunization to the last rites.
"Adityanath would well know that the people pay for security and other paraphernalia for leaders like them as well and that for this he should be thankful to the people rather than poke fun at them. In a state where children are dying for lack of oxygen, women are being kicked out of hospitals and healthcare system has collapsed, it is indeed saddening that the Chief Minister speaks such language," Maheshwari told IANS.
Read more at: Latest in Nation | Gorakhpur again: Over 40 children die in 48 hours