Kerala varsity wants to pass SFI leader who drew a blank in internal exam

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala University syndicate’s standing committee has recommended granting a master’s degree to an SFI activist whose results have been withheld for want of marks in the internal examinations and the required minimum attendance.

The student, who joined the MA politics course in University College in Thiruvananthapuram in 2011, drew a blank in the internal exam in the second semester in 2012. A former chairman of the university-level students’ union, he did not have the minimum 75 percent attendance to be eligible to move on to the next semester.

The college authorities let him continue nevertheless but the university withheld his exam results.

Last year, the college principal wrote to the controller of examinations that the PG student’s second-semester mark was a clerical mistake. The syndicate asked the principal to submit supporting evidence and entrusted the controller of examinations and the pro vice-chancellor to look into the matter.

The syndicate refused to accept the new marks as they were found to be issued by the head of the department recently. The lecturer who had given the student zero marks had either retired or was transferred.

The scene changed after the Left Democratic Front gained a majority in the syndicate and the standing committee on examinations, which recommended that the student be considered as having passed the exam in 2013. The syndicate could grant the student a certificate on Thursday.