Marital bliss comes late in God’s Own Country

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New Delhi: Men and women in Kerala are in no hurry to get married. Keralite men wait the most before tying the knot, while the women come second only to their counterparts in Jammu and Kashmir in delaying the commitment.

Men in Kerala get married at an average age of 27.3, compared with the national average of 23.2, according to data released by the Registrar General of India. The sample registration baseline survey says Kerala women get married at 21.4 years on average, compared with the national average of 20. In Jammu and Kashmir, the women’s average stands at 22.

The number crunchers say men want to find a financial foothold before taking on the responsibilities.

Men in Rajasthan, however, were eager to get married. They got hitched at an average age of 21.3. Women in West Bengal got married at 19.3 years on average, the earliest in the country.

The data also shows that 97.3 per cent of married women in Kerala are aware of contraceptive methods and 58.7 per cent use them.

On culinary preferences, the data showed men were more carnivorous than women. A survey among people aged above 15 years showed that 71.6 per cent men in the country were non-vegetarians while 70.7 per cent women ate meat.

The share goes up in Kerala, where 97.4 percent men and 96.6 percent women ate meat.