Malayali victims of Cambodian job scam reach home

The youths reached Kochi Airport. Photo: Manorama News.

Kozhikode: Seven youths who fell victim to a job scam in Cambodia reached home on Monday. The gang, intending to travel to Thailand for jobs, managed to escape illegal detention in Cambodia with the help of a taxi driver before seeking refuge at the Indian Embassy.

The scam ring lured the young men with promises of employment at a Thailand-based advertising company. On October 4, they set off for Thailand through Anurag, a native of Cherandathoor. The swindlers collected Rs 1.5 lakh from each of them. However, the scamsters diverted them to a cyber-fraud centre in Cambodia instead of taking them to Thailand.

Upon realising the high-risk nature of their assigned work, the youths attempted to withdraw but were held captive by the scam ring. They were physically assaulted, denied food and water, and several sustained injuries.

They threatened to kill the youths if they contacted anyone back home. Ultimately, the victims managed to escape with the assistance of a taxi driver and sought refuge at the embassy, leading to their safe return to India.

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