Signature discrepancy raises questions over Prasanth's complaint against ADM Naveen Babu

Prasanth's sign after receiving the NOC, Prasanth's sign on the alleged letter to the Chief Minister. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: A new document has surfaced, raising further doubts about the authenticity of the complaint filed by TV Prasanth against ADM Naveen Babu, who tragically took his own life two weeks ago.

The document, now in the public domain, includes Prasanth’s signature from when he obtained a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the ADM office on October 9.  Notably, this signature significantly differs from the one on the complaint he allegedly submitted to the Chief Minister.

Earlier, the signature and name on the lease agreement for land intended for a fuel station had also come to light. The lease agreement, NOC application, receipt for obtaining the NOC, and the employment register from Pariyaram Medical College, where Prasanth is employed, all bear the same signature and name matching Prasanth.

However, the complaint reportedly submitted to the Chief Minister carries a different name, "Prasanthan," and a different signature. This discrepancy in both the name and signatures has become a major point of suspicion, casting doubt on the validity of the complaint. If the police investigate these inconsistencies and the document is proven to be forged, Prasanth could face charges for creating a fake document.

ADM Naveen Babu was found dead by suicide at 7.00 am on October 15. The complaint allegedly filed by Prasanth was circulated on social media by 11.00 pm the same day, with claims it had been submitted on October 10. Further suspicion arises from the fact that the letter refers to the official as "Naveen Babu, who carried out the responsibilities of ADM," suggesting it may have been drafted after his death.

Naveen Babu, TV Prasanthan. Photo: Manorama News
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