The quiet titan: VS celebrates 101st birthday today

V S Achuthanandan Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: V S Achuthanandan, the unparalleled leader of India's Communist movement, turns 101 on Sunday. Having completed a century of life, this birthday is especially significant for the man affectionately known as VS. The leader, once a magnetic presence at election campaigns with his distinctive oratory style, celebrates this rare milestone at a time as the state gears up for by-elections in Palakkad, Chelakkara, and Wayanad.

VS, now under complete rest, remains aware of the world around him, according to his son, V A Arun Kumar. "He listens to the news on TV in the evenings. We also sit him in his wheelchair and read the newspapers to him for about an hour. We believe he understands everything," says Arun Kumar.

From Chief Minister to Leader of the Opposition, CPM state secretary to Polit Bureau member, and LDF convener, VS has held nearly every important political position in the state. He is also one of the last surviving founding leaders of the CPM-one of the 32 leaders who walked out of the CPI National Council in 1964 over ideological differences. It was a convention organised by this rebel group in Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, that eventually led to the formation of the CPM.

Four years ago, a stroke forced VS into rest, side-lining him from active politics. Since his withdrawal, both his supporters and rivals have felt the void left by his absence. Kerala's political landscape was never quiet when VS was active—his words alone were enough to send tremors at different levels.

To celebrate his birthday, family members will gather at the residence of V A Arun Kumar in Barton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram, on Thursday. Although doctors have advised limiting visitors, an array of leaders, including Goa Governor P S Sreedharan Pillai, are expected to visit to pay their respects to the veteran leader.

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