Strike by private waste collectors ends following mediation talks in TVM

Protesters in front of TVM corporation office Photo: Special arrangement

Fire force personnel and cops managed to talk two waste collectors out of suicide bid after they had climbed atop a tree with petrol-filled can and rope in front of Thiruvananthapuram corporation office here on Saturday.

Corporation authorities also held mediation talks with the representatives and the strike was called off. Binoy,27, a resident of Pacha, Joy Joseph, 54, a resident of Kachani threatened to die by suicide in the morning. Both of them climbed down the tree following talks with officials.

According to the protesters, they were deprived of jobs after corporation entrusted Harith Karma sena workers with the collection of dry waste and intensified night patrol against dumping of waste in water bodies.

A release issued by the Mayor's office said that the grievances of the private waste collectors were heard during previous meetings and it was suggested that they become part of Haritha Karma sena.Corporation has initiated steps to rehabilitate waste collectors who are not authorised by the city corporation.

The civic body has been dealing with instances of unauthorised waste collection from households by agencies who collect waste and then dump in water bodies.

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