Police to probe Manaf’s YouTube page, comments; action if found guilty

Manaf and Arjun. File Photos: special arrangement.

Kozhikode: Kozhikode Medical College Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Umesh A on Friday said his team is investigating content and comments on truck owner Abdul Manaf's YouTube channel following a complaint from Arjun’s family. "If Manaf is found guilty of any wrongdoing, action will be taken against him. Otherwise, his name will be removed from the FIR," said the SP.

According to Umesh, Manaf was included in the FIR following the initial complaint by Arjun’s family, alleging a cyber attack. "The case now involves Manaf and others accused of spreading hate propaganda through social media. We will investigate the related social media activity and take statements from Arjun’s family members," he added.

It was on Thursday that Arjun’s sister, Anju, lodged a plaint with the Kozhikode Commissioner, reporting that her family had been subjected to severe online harassment after making allegations against Manaf. "Manaf and expert diver Eshwar Malpe used our family’s grief for their personal benefit, including generating revenue through their YouTube channels," the family alleged. They also claimed that Manaf raised funds in Arjun's name without their permission.

However, both Manaf and Malpe have denied these accusations. "I apologise if I made any mistakes unknowingly. Even though a case has been filed, I will stand by the family. I started the YouTube channel to provide updates from Shirur as suggested by media outlets and have not used it since Arjun’s body was recovered," Manaf said on Friday.

Arjun, a native of Kannadikkal in Kozhikode, went missing on July 16 after a massive landslide in Shirur, Karnataka, while transporting a truckload of wood to Kerala. His body was recovered from the Gangavali River on September 25 after a 72-day search.

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