Centre grants Rs 6oo cr for flood-affected Gujarat, Kerala to wait till assessment report is ready

An aerial view of the devastating landslide that recently hit Wayanad. Photo: Manorama.

The Central Government has approved release of Rs 675 crores to flood-affected States of Gujarat, Manipur and Tripura. This has been allotted as Central share from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and an advance from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF).

Central Government has approved the release of Rs 600 crores to Gujarat, Rs 50 crores to Manipur and Rs 25 crores to Tripura as central share from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and an advance from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF). These states have been affected due to extremely heavy rainfall, floods and landslides during the south-west monsoon this year, the release said.

Kerala recently submitted a disaster memorandum following the Wayanad landslide. It also enlisted the estimated expense under various heads.

According to a release issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the states of Assam, Mizoram, Kerala, Tripura, Nagaland, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Manipur were affected due to extremely heavy rainfall, floods and landslides this year. Inter-Ministerial Central Teams (IMCTs) have been deputed in all these affected States to make an on-the-spot assessment of the damages. The additional financial assistance to remaining states will be decided after the receipt of IMCT reports, the release said.

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