Body of missing Education dept official found in Muvattupuzha River

Shyam Kumar. Photo: Manorama News

Kottayam: The Vaikom police found the body of Shyam Kumar, a missing government employee, along the banks of the Muvattupuzha River on Sunday. A senior superintendent in the education department, Shyam Kumar, went missing on Saturday. His family filed a missing person complaint, citing work-related stress as a potential contributing factor.

According to his family, Shyam Kumar faced increased mental pressure after taking on additional responsibilities as an Assistant Educational Officer (AEO) a few months prior. The former AEO at the Vaikom office, where he worked, was promoted and transferred, resulting in a heavier workload for Shyam Kumar.

Reports indicate that he worked late on Friday night after taking his mother for medical treatment earlier that day. The education department has not yet responded to the allegations concerning work pressure.

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