Alappuzha police trace global racket links of Gujarat native arrested for Rs 10 lakh online fraud

Bibin Savijbhai. Photo: Special Arrangement

Alappuzha: In a significant development in an online fraud case, police have revealed that the accused, a Gujarat native, is part of a global multi-level racket. Bibin Savijbhai was arrested on September 26 for allegedly siphoning Rs 10,30,000 from a Mannancherry native employed in Chennai.

An official from the Alappuzha Cyber Crime Police Station explained the racket's structure: “The first level operates like a call centre, where they contact vulnerable individuals, luring them with promises of quick money. The siphoned funds are then transferred to another person’s account at the second level in exchange for a commission.”

Bibin had reportedly transferred over Rs 2 crore to his contact in Mumbai, sourced from multiple victims across India. However, the Mumbai-based contact fled before the police could apprehend him.
“Bibin is implicated in 15 such cases registered in police stations across India, amounting to over Rs 2 crore. He transferred this money to his Mumbai contact for a commission. We traced the IP address and attempted to track down the contact, but the identity turned out to be forged, and the individual had fled before we could reach Mumbai,” the official stated.

The police are still investigating the full extent of the racket. “We have identified up to eight or nine levels in this scheme, but it could extend to as many as 12. The higher the level, the more legitimate the operation appears. By levels eight or nine, individuals are likely unaware they are involved in fraudulent activities, as they may be salaried employees in seemingly legitimate companies,” the official added.

He further suggested that this may not be a simple operation for personal gain, as the flow of money points to a more complex system. “The proceeds from these fraudulent activities are routed through various accounts, eventually moved outside the country, and converted into cryptocurrencies,” the official explained.

Of the Rs 10,30,000 stolen from the Mannancherry victim, over Rs 7 lakh has been recovered from Bibin’s account. Bibin has been remanded in custody following his court appearance. Police expect more arrests in connection with the case.

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