Medical College panel to decide on M M Lawrence's mortal remains

M M Lawrence. File photo: Manorama.

Kochi: Ernakulam Government Medical College constituted a special committee to decide on donating the body of deceased CPM leader M M Lawrence for medical studies. The committee includes the principal, superintendent, the forensic and anatomy department heads, and a student representative. The committee asked Lawrence's three children to appear before them on Wednesday.

Earlier, the High Court ordered the medical college to keep Lawrence's body in the mortuary until a final decision is reached on the petition filed by his daughter, Asha, opposing the donation. The court also mandated that the medical college should not hand over Lawrence's body for study purposes for the time being and must keep it in the hospital mortuary.

Lawrence's daughter and grandson raised an objection to handing over the body to the medical college on Monday. In her petition, Asha stated that Lawrence never expressed a desire to donate his body and that she believed her father would not have wanted this. She also requested that her father be buried in the church.

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