Two former bus employees arrested with MDMA worth Rs 15 lakh in Kozhikode

P Mijas, Muhammad Shahwan. Photo: Special arrangement

Kozhikode: In a joint operation, the District Anti-Narcotic Special Action Force (DANSAF) and Town Police arrested two individuals in possession of 481 grams of MDMA worth Rs 15 lakh. The accused, Muhammad Shahwan (33) from Kandothpara, Narikuni, and P Mijas (28) from Punathil, Pullaloor, were apprehended near Kozhikode Railway Station.

According to Town Police Sub-Inspector Muhammad Ziyad, who led the search operation, the duo had brought the MDMA from Delhi by train, intending to sell it in Balussery and nearby areas.

Both suspects are former private bus employees from Kozhikode district and are reported to be drug users. They allegedly left their jobs and entered the drug trade in search of higher profits. Shahwan already has a case registered against him at Balussery Police Station for possession of ganja.

As per the instructions of Kozhikode City Police Chief T Narayanan, the police are intensifying their efforts against drug trafficking in the city. Town Police Inspector P Jitesh stated that the investigation would be intensified after the suspects are questioned.

The operation was conducted under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner (Narcotics Cell) V Suresh and Town Assistant Commissioner TK Ashraf. The investigation team included DANSAF Sub-Inspector Manoj Edayedath, Sub-Inspector K Abdurrahman, Anish Moosenveed, K Akhilesh, Sunoj Karayil, PK Sarun Kumar, MK Latish, NK Sreeshanth, M Shinoj, P Abhijith, EV Athul, PK Dineesh, KM Muhammad Mashhoor, Town Station ASI KT Sabeer, Jain, Suraj, Sajevan, Binil Kumar, Jitendran, and Prabeesh.

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