Malappuram Nipah: 175 in contact list, field survey conducted at 1,928 houses

Nipah virus
Representational image. Photo: iStock

The latest contact list of the Nipah victim in Malappuram includes 175 persons, including 74 health workers, the Health Department informed after a series of review meetings on Monday.

Of the total, 126 are listed as primary contacts, and the others are secondary contacts of the 23-year-old man from Naduvath near Wandoor, who died on September 9. The National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune confirmed Nipah in the samples collected from the deceased on September 15.

At least 104 people on the primary contact list are marked as high-risk. Ten people have been admitted to the Medical College Hospital in Manjeri. Health Minister Veena George said 13 samples have been sent for testing. A route map of the Nipah victim was published earlier in the day.

Review meetings held
Minister George chaired two online review meetings on Monday. Control rooms have started functioning in Malappuram. The control room numbers are 0483 2732010 and 0483 2732060.

The Health Department has launched a field survey within a 3-km radius of the house of the Nipah victim. The survey team has been split into 66 groups.

On Monday,  surveys were conducted at 1,928 houses, including 590 houses in the Mampad panchayat, 447 in Wandoor and 891 in Thiruvali. 49 fever cases, including 10 each in Mampad and Wandoor and 29 in Thiruvali, have been reported. Only one of the fever cases is part of the contact list. 

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