Nipah death in Malappuram: 151 people on contact list, 3 show symptoms

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Malappuram: The state health department on Sunday released the direct contact list of the youth who died of Nipah virus infection in Malappuram. The list had the names of 151 people in total, of whom three showed symptoms of the virus.

The deceased, a 23-year-old student at Bengaluru, was a native of Chembaram near Naduvath in Wandoor. He died at a private hospital at Perinthalmanna on Monday. The primary lab test conducted in Kozhikode Medical College was positive, and the officials are awaiting confirmation of the same from the Pune virology lab to take further actions following protocols.

Meanwhile, officials from the Thiruvali panchayat and the health department held a meeting to assess the region's current situation.

Naduvath ward member P P Mohanan earlier told Onmanorama that the deceased had come from Bengaluru recently with a leg injury. The youth then contracted a fever and visited a clinic at Naduvath and another one at Wandoor. 

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