Snake bites teacher during Onam celebration at Kasaragod school

Vidhya. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News.

Kasaragod: A teacher suffered a snake bite during Onam celebrations on Friday at the Rajah's Higher Secondary School, Neeleswaram, in Kasaragod.
The teacher, Padinjattam Kozhuval native Vidhya (46), was rushed to Neeleswaram Community Health Center (CHC).

The incident happened when Vidhya opened a classroom for the Onam celebration at around 10 am on Friday. The room had been closed for an extended period, and as she entered, the snake bit her on the leg.

"The snake was non-venomous, and Vidhaya recovered from critical condition. However, she is under observation and will be discharged on Saturday," said the doctors.

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