Kerala govt employees to get Rs 4,000 Onam bonus, Rs 20,000 as festival advance

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The state government has decided to provide an Onam bonus of Rs 4,000 to government employees and teachers. Finance Minister K N Balagopal said those ineligible for the above-mentioned bonus will be given Rs 2,750 as festival allowance.

A government release said the bonus and festival allowance will be disbursed to over 13 lakh staffers and other workers as part of the annual festival of Onam, which is celebrated in mid-September this year.

Earlier today, the government issued an order to disburse two months of welfare pension to over 60 lakh beneficiaries.

Service pensioners will receive a festival bonus of Rs 1,000. A festival allowance has also been sanctioned for those under the contributory pension scheme.

All government employees will be given Rs. 20,000 as Onam advance. Part-timers and contingent employees will receive an advance amount of Rs. 6,000.
The government order said that the contract and scheme-related workers who were eligible for festival bonuses last year will also get the same amount this Onam as well.

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