Customs begins probe into Sujith Das after Anvar's gold smuggling allegations

SP Sujith Das. Photo: Manorama

Kochi: Customs has launched a probe into former Malappuram SP Sujith Das after allegations of gold smuggling were raised against him by Independent MLA P V Anvar. Officials will look into over 100 cases of gold smuggling registered by Sujith Das during his tenure as SP in Malappuram.

According to reports, the files of the cases registered by Sujith were handed over to Customs months later. Officials observed huge discrepancies, even in the quantity of gold seized. The Customs Preventive Division is conducting a preliminary investigation.

Following P V Anvar's allegations, Sujith Das was removed as SP of Pathanamthitta. Sujith's dealings came to light after his phone call with Anvar came out. The call concerned a complaint about tree felling in the Malappuram SP's camp office. According to Anvar, though Sujith intercepted gold smugglers who managed to escape Customs inspection, the records would only show a small amount of gold as recovered.

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