Let Mukesh hand over evidence if he has proof of blackmail: Complainant

Mukesh. Photo: Manorama News

Kochi: The actor who filed a sexual abuse complaint against Kollam MLA Mukesh has challenged him to release any audio messages if she had indeed blackmailed him for money. She stated that the accusation of blackmail is an attempt to weaken the victims mentally. 'I have provided all the evidence to the police. I have also kept copies of the evidence,” she said. Mukesh had previously claimed that he had proof that the actor had blackmailed him for money.

The actor also thanked the government for registering a case against the accused. She acknowledged that women in the film industry have suffered and that the government’s actions have sent a message that they will receive justice. She added that justice should be available not just for women but also for men.

The actor said that people need honest representatives, not those with false appearances. She revealed that she remained silent after the unpleasant experience with Mukesh because she was afraid to speak out. She did not even talk to him over the phone afterwards.

The actor recounted that the first incident occurred at the Secretariat, followed by similar experiences in Kochi and Palakkad. She is prepared to explain the details during the evidence-collection process. The public should be aware of the wrongdoings occurring in the film industry. She added that she is not intimidated by threats, regardless of how influential the person may be, and is ready for a legal battle. She said that fear is unnecessary if the truth is on one's side. The actor will give a confidential statement against seven individuals. She hopes this will lead to a cleansing in the film industry.

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