'SP Sasidharan a sadist and egotist', MLA PV Anvar refuses to apologise to police official

PV Anvar. Photo: Manorama

Malappuram: Nilambur MLA PV Anvar has stated that he will not apologise for criticising Malappuram District Police Chief (DPC) S Sasidharan.
"Kerala has a map, Malappuram has a map, do you want my mappu as well," he said on social media while giving a sarcastic spin to the Malayalam word mappu which means apology. The MLA posted the maps of Kerala, Malappuram district and Nilambur constituency on his Facebook account with a piece of text, asking if anyone needs more such maps. He was responding to the IPS Association's demand for an apology after he slammed the top cop for arriving late to an event on Tuesday.

Anvar on Wednesday told the media that SP S Sasidharan is a "number one sadist" and an egotist. He added that the SP is not a good officer and that he would give him zero marks. Anvar had criticised the SP while attending a police association conference in Malappuram. The SP was also present on stage during the conference. The MLA was angered by the SP's refusal to allow soil excavation for a government housing project, the increase in petty cases, and the failure to catch thieves in his park.

Anvar clarified that he hasn't criticised all IPS officers and acknowledged that there are many good IPS officers. "Why should I apologize? Apologies are given when one realises they're wrong. I don't think the IPS Association would ask for an apology. If they did, it's out of ignorance. I stand by what I said. It's the SP who should apologize to the public. The actions he has been taking since his arrival are unacceptable," Anvar said.

He also added that some police officers are beginning to look down on MLAs and ministers, fostering a culture of arrogance. "People's representatives should be respected. This man might even criticise the Chief Minister at some point. He is a product of such a culture. SP Sasidharan is misleading several senior officers, providing them with incorrect reports about the district's functioning, and making his subordinates cry. I haven't yet spoken to the Chief Minister about this, but I will when the time comes," Anvar said.

The IPS association has condemned the act of the MLA following the function at Malappuram.  The members of the organisation have asked its leaders to pass a resolution against the insult and submit it to the Chief Minister and the speaker.  They have also plans to inform their protest in person to the Chief Minister.  

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