Kochi hospital launches martial arts training for women

Representative image: Shutterstock/PopTika

Kochi: Amid the shockwave caused by the rape and murder of a doctor in a Kolkata hospital, VPS Lakeshore Hospital has launched an initiative aimed at ensuring the safety of women at workplace with an action plan to train all its female staff in martial arts.

The hospital has allocated an initial amount of Rs 50 lakh to implement the project across the state. The training programme will be mandatory for all female staff and extended to interested women across the state. The project will be implemented in collaboration with local bodies and government support.

"Through this initiative, the hospital aims to instil confidence and resilience in our team. The hospital believes that martial arts training will not only enhance their physical defence capabilities but also boost their mental strength. Trained individuals will be deployed in schools, corporate offices, and other areas to train more women in the workforce. Apart from the hospital's female staff, we plan to train 50,000 women across the district within another six months, free of charge," said the hospital in a statement.

In addition to the martial arts training programme, the hospital will distribute safety kits to women, including non-employees. The kits will contain essential protective items, such as pepper spray and other safety equipment, to equip women with immediate self-defence tools.

Sex education
To further support the community, the hospital will conduct sex education classes for students in collaboration with various government agencies, including child and women welfare committees. This statewide initiative is intended to help students handle potential untoward situations with confidence.

Educating women
Additionally, in partnership with the Kerala Police, the hospital will train women to use the Police SOS application, which can provide immediate assistance in emergencies. The hospital has also developed its own mobile application featuring a dedicated SOS function. The app is designed to transmit the user's live location to the hospital's security desk and selected HODs, ensuring authorities are instantly alerted during an emergency. This proactive measure aims to enhance overall safety and responsiveness within the hospital environment.

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