Frustrated by unemployment, youth posts suicide note on Reddit, saved by Kerala police

Illustration: Manorama

Kochi: Timely intervention by a team of cops from Mulavukadu police station in Kochi has saved the life of a youth who had posted a suicide note on Reddit. The police managed to track his location and talk him out of ending his life, after they were alerted about the suicide note on Reddit. The incident happened on August 14 at Vallarpadam.

A post appeared on Reddit read 'I have decided to commit suicide this weekend.' It caught the attention of Abhishek, a Kochi resident, who immediately informed his wife, Gauri Lakshmi, a clerk in the office of Ernakulam Range DIG Putta Vimaladithya. Gauri brought the matter to the DIG's attention, who then directed Ernakulam Rural District Police Chief Vaibhav Saxena to take prompt action.

Acting on his instructions, the Mulavukad Police tracked down the man’s location and reached his house within 10 minutes. "The youth was struggling due to unemployment and family issues," said Suresh CM, Sub-Inspector at Mulavukad Police station.

Although the man’s post cited personal reasons, the police clarified that financial dependence and frustration over not finding a job were the primary factors. The youth who had completed a course related to the shipping industry was unable to secure a job, which along with other family issues, led him to mull suicide.

When asked about the man's initial reaction, the police said that the man was concerned about his mother finding out about the incident. "He repeatedly requested me not to inform his mother, it was a challenging situation," Suresh said. The team advised his parents to avoid isolating him and to seek professional help.

On a brighter note, the youth contacted the Sub-Inspector a day after the incident and expressed his plans to pursue further studies and move to Chennai for better job prospects. The police team included Sub-Inspector Suresh C M, Senior Civil Police Officer (CPO) Selvaraj, and CPOs Thomas George and Anoop.

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