Kerala Bank waives off loans of Mundakkai, Chooralmala landslide victims

Search on at landslide-affected Chooralmala. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Bank on Monday decided to write off all the loans from its Chooralmala branch following the deadly landslides in Wayanad. In a recent management committee meeting, the bank decided to write off loans of borrowers from the Chooralmala branch who lost their lives, homes, and properties in the disaster.

Additionally, Kerala Bank has contributed Rs 50 lakh to the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund. The bank's employees have also voluntarily pledged to donate five days of their salaries to the fund.

According to the official reports, 229 people were killed and over 130 were reported missing in the devastating landslides that struck Mundakkai aand Chooralmala of Wayanad. 51 bodies are yet to be identified. Currently there are 1,770 people housed in 15 relief camps. This includes 673 women and 439 children.

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