3 fishermen rescued off Koyilandy harbour after pressure cooker blast on boat

The accident took place on a fishing boat named 'Mary Shanio'. Photo: Special arrangement

Kozhikode: Three fishermen from Tamil Nadu sustained serious injuries after a pressure cooker blast inside a fishing boat off Koyilandy harbour in Kozhikode.

Boat owner Shibu (45) and his crew members Shabu (47) and Kumar (47) were rescued by the Marine Enforcement 29 nautical miles from the coast. The fishermen were admitted to the Taluk Hospital in Koyilandy before being shifted to a private hospital in Kozhikode.

The boat 'Mary Shanio' left Kochi early morning on Tuesday and the accident took place around 7 am while the crew was cooking food. Shibu suffered serious injuries to his face. The Fisheries authorities in Beypore and the Marine Enforcement wing were located by boat by 8.30 am before giving first aid to the injured. The fishing boat had nine other members on its crew, said Fisheries Extension Officer Athira.

Rescuers suspect food particles stuck to the lid of the cooker triggered the blast. Fisheries Department assistant director Suneer, Marine Enforcement Inspector of Guard Shanmughan, Civil police officers Bibin, Shaji K, Manu Thomas and rescue guards Hamilesh and Midhun were in the rescue team.

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