Wayanad landslides: SNDP pledges Rs 25 lakh towards CMDRF

Vellapally Natesan

Alappuzha: The SNDP Yogam on Sunday pledged Rs 25 lakh towards the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF) for the rehabilitation of Wayanad landslide victims.

Terming the tragedy one of worst to hit Kerala, SNDP Yogam general secretary Vellapally Natesan praised the rescue operation currently underway in the region, calling it a reflection of the cultural nobility of Kerala and a model for the world to emulate.

“Protective measures have to be formulated that are strong, scientific, and farsighted. Everything necessary to restore the lives of those who lost their loved ones in the disaster back to normalcy has to be carried out. We have to take the cries of those who sustained serious injuries and those who lost everything in the disaster as the cry of the land itself,” he said.

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