Kerala woman techie used her own firm's personal loan app for Rs 20 cr fraud

Dhanya Mohan in police custody. Photo: Manorama

Thrissur: Dhanya Mohan who was arrested for alleged financial fraud to the tune of Rs 20 crore made use of personal loan app of her company Manappuram Comptech & Consultants Ltd (MACOM) to create a fake loan account from which she would transfer money to her bank accounts, police said. She had started off as a manager and then got promoted as an Assistant General Manager, Tech Lead at MACOM, an IT product and service company of Manappuram group. This gave her access to all data and processes associated with paper-less, instant loan disbursal via loan app.

The police also suspect that her husband also benefited from the money she accumulated via fraudulent means. '' At present, we understand that she did it all alone and it wasn't an organized crime, but we have proof that she transferred Rs 40 lakhs to her husband. It needs to be verified if he was in any way involved in the crime,'' said a highly placed official associated with the investigation.

Once she created the loan account and credited the money to her personal accounts, she deleted all backend data to avoid any suspicion. With access to everything related to the app, she was able to erase all digital traces. The police will recover the server records to rebuild the digital trail and establish the track of her fraudulent transactions. Bank statements and data related to the app will also be collected. The personal loan app was designed by the company to enable instant loan disbursement and a person could borrow up to Rs 5 lakhs without the need for collateral security.

Everything was going on smoothly as per the plan until July 23, she was summoned by the head of the application team when he found out something was amiss regarding the transaction of Rs 80 lakhs. She was questioned briefly, however, she complained of uneasiness and left the office in her car. 

The police said that she stayed alone in Thrissur and her husband was in Kollam. As soon as she caught wind of the fact that her fraud was exposed, she switched off her phone and fled. Her last tower location was detected at Aluva. The police believe that she travelled from Thrissur to Kollam by road. Initially she parked her car in Guruvayur, took an auto to Kodungallur and from there she reportedly sought the help of her relative to drive her to Kollam, police said. By that time, multiple teams had been launched by the police. As she knew that the police team was closing in on her, pressure mounted and she decided to surrender. 

She underwent a medical test and was brought to Thrissur for questioning on Friday night. She will be produced in court and police will seek her custody for further questioning.

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