LDF govt on rectification spree. Building permit fee slashed by over 50%

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The promise to pay held-up social welfare pensions and scholarship benefits in a time-bound manner was the first step in a series of rectification measures undertaken by the LDF government in the wake of the massive drubbing suffered at the hustings.

On Wednesday, July 24, the minister for local bodies announced another set of relief for the public.

He declared that building permit fees would be slashed. The reduction would range from 25% to 60%. The new fee structure has been drawn up in such a way that there would be a decrease of at least 50% for houses between 81 sq mts and 300 sq mts. The new rates will become operational from August 1.

Within the Corporation limits, the minister said that houses with a floor area of 81 sq mts to 150 sq mts would enjoy a 60% reduction in building permit fees. Last year, the state government exempted houses up to 80 sq mts from permit fees. This will continue.

Industrial and commercial buildings will also enjoy a nearly 60% reduction in permit fees. Clearly, the government was making amends for what it did in April 2023.

Last April, the state government announced a steep hike in building permit fees following persistent demands from local bodies, nearly half of which are ruled by the opposition UDF. However, the CPM state committee itself had in May sensed the displeasure of the public and had disapproved of it. Still, the party persisted with the hike and saw the writing on the wall only after the Lok Sabha debacle.

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