Migrant worker pays Rs 500 per month to stay in dog kennel in Kochi

The kennel; Shyam Sundar. Photo: Manorama Online

Kochi: Shyam Sundar, a migrant worker, has been staying in a dog kennel for the past three months. What's even more shocking is that he pays a rent of Rs 500 per month for the kennel, situated next to a house in Piravom town.

As per reports, there is an old house behind the owner's residence where migrant workers live. However, Shyam Sundar said he couldn't afford the rent there and decided to stay in the kennel for Rs 500. It's been four years since Shyam moved to Kerala.

The window grills of the kennel have been covered with cardboard. There are facilities to cook and charge his phone inside the kennel. He even has a lock for the room.

Meanwhile, the house owner responded that he was not aware Shyam was living in a kennel. Municipal authorities reached the spot after learning about the inhuman conditions Shyam was living in. There was a protest among people in the area for charging him Rs 500 to stay in a kennel.

Julie Sabu, chairperson, Piravom Municipality, said Shyam was unwilling to move out of his place although it was a kennel. "But that was unacceptable. He just wasn't ready to move out because he said he was very comfortable there. We have informed the police also and are trying to shift him to a camp with all facilities. He stays alone," Julie Sabu told Onmanorama.

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