Masked person sets fire to Family Health Centre in Thrissur, staff injured

Medicines and files inside the Family Health Centre at Vilvattom in Thrissur were destroyed in the fire Saturday evening. Photos: Special arrangement

Thrissur: An unidentified masked person set fire to a Family Health Centre at Vilvattom in Thrissur Saturday evening, injuring a staff. The incident occurred around 7 pm when three staff were on duty and auditing was underway.

The masked intruder poured a liquid from a bottle and lit a fire. The person fled the scene soon after and has yet to be identified. Senior clerk Anoop suffered burns after his jeans pants caught fire. He escaped by quickly removing the pants.

Office files, and medicines stacked on a table in the pharmacy room were destroyed in the fire. On July 18, a person visited the Centre complaining about the quality of medicine, and the Viyyur Police are investigating that angle. The ACP and other officers are camping at the site.

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