Alappuzha school makes a U-turn, excludes Sanju Techy as chief guest

The programme notice described Sanju as a social media influencer. Photo: Manorama News

Alappuzha: The government high school in Mannancherry has excluded YouTuber Sanju Techy (TS Sanju) as the chief guest for releasing its official magazine after the invitation faced a severe backlash.
Amid opposition, panchayat members also disagreed with the invite and announced their decision not to participate in the event.

Sanju was recently in the news after his driving licence was revoked for setting up a swimming pool in his car.

Responding to the school's decision, Sanju said the cancellation was a hard pill to swallow. "I am saddened by this decision. I normally participate in such programmes and was planning to attend this one to impart a message to students, despite my past mistakes. However, this has now adversely impacted both my career and personal life.
"Despite my efforts to rectify my mistakes, I feel that society has treated me like an offender. I am committed to following the rules and regulations," he added.

The event was organised by a CPM leader and member of the Alappuzha district panchayat. The programme notice described Sanju as a social media influencer.

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