An activist’s life always in danger, never thought of joining any other party: Manu Thomas

Manu Thomas. Photo: Manorama News

Kozhikode: Manu Thomas, the disgruntled former DYFI leader who has levelled a raft of allegations against CPM leader P Jayarajan and his son has said that he has not decided to join any other party. Kannur DCC president Martin George recently said that a decision will be made in consultation with the leadership if Manu Thomas wishes to join Congress. There were also reports about BJP leader A P Abdullakutty extending an invite to Manu Thomas to BJP.

When Onmanorama caught up with him for an interview, his answers were concise, guarded and evasive mostly, probably to keep his future options open, and perhaps not to antagonise the entire party system against him.

''It’s the party which should say whether I face the threat or not. We all face different situations in life. Each situation in the life of a public activist can be in danger this way or that way. We take all those risks when we are in public life,'' he said adding that he has never thought of joining any other party.

When asked to share the full version of the complaint he sent to the party-state secretary, a portion of which had been leaked to the media, he was noncommittal: '' I didn’t share it with the media. The media sourced it from somewhere but I don’t know from where,'' he said.

On an insinuation that he was involved in a business and he didn’t stop it despite being told to as a full-time CPM district committee member, he said it was a cake business which is quite popular among people. When asked about his absence from the party activities including the recent Lok Sabha elections campaign, he said that it was only a break of 14 months. On the allegation that his coming out is to corner P Jayarajan to serve the purpose of the former secretary’s rivals in the party, he said people can interpret it whichever way they like.

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