In a first, Alappuzha Medical College mulls live-streaming hospital visuals to Health Minister's office

A file photo of the Alappuzha Medical College. Photo: Manorama

Alappuzha: In an effort to put an end to the spree of alleged instances of medical negligence at the hospital, the authorities of Government Medical College Hospital in Alappuzha are planning to livestream visuals from the hospital directly to the Health Minister's office.

“Such a suggestion has been mooted and we are considering it. No steps have been taken and and there is no time frame yet for implementation. Further details will be provided after detailed discussions with the Health Minister's office,” said Dr Miriam Varkey, Principal of Alappuzha Medical College.

This follows a high-level meeting held earlier this month involving hospital authorities, the district collector and Ambalapuzha MLA H Salam at the superintendent’s office in the hospital. The meeting decided to introduce strict surveillance to ensure that all staff were present during duty hours and performed their duties diligently.

Additionally, the meeting decided to implement a system to provide bystanders with regular updates on the condition and treatment status of patients. Steps to address the shortage of facilities in various departments were also discussed.

If implemented, the Alappuzha Medical College will be the first hospital in the state to have its visuals live-streamed directly to the Minister's office. This measure aims to rectify the alleged negligence and mismanagement at the hospital, the latest incident being the death of a newborn after eight days in the ICU on 5th June.

Furthermore, the Medical College authorities are yet to submit the detailed report demanded by the officers investigating the death of Shibina on April 28 due to alleged medical negligence, 35 days after giving birth at the hospital.
The state minority commission, which took up the case suo moto, issued a stern warning during its latest sitting on June 10, stating that failure to submit the report would result in strict punitive measures from the concerned authorities.

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