K Radhakrishnan's last day as minister marked by historic move to abolish term 'colony'

K Radhakrishnan. File Image: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: CPM leader K Radhakrishnan, who won the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from Alathur, marked his last day as State minister with a historic move to abolish the term 'colony' from official records. He was the Kerala State Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes.

"The word 'colony' is associated with slavery and was created by oppressors, and it evokes a sense of inferiority among people. The residents of the area can suggest a replacement name. Instead of naming places after individuals, generic names should be used, and these will be based on the residents' suggestions," he said.

The use of a person's name may lead to disputes. However, places already named after individuals can retain their existing names, he added.
The order issued by the Scheduled Caste-Scheduled Tribe Development Department states that areas where Scheduled Tribes predominantly reside are currently referred to as "Colony", "Sanketam", and "Ooru". It has been noted that these names cause disrespect, and it is advisable to use names that are more acceptable to society.
The order further states that names such as "Colony", "Sanketam", and "Ooru" can be renamed as "Nagar", "Unnathi", "Prakriti", or any timely names chosen by local residents for these areas.

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