Woman's hair gets entangled in shawarma machine in TVM, fire force saves her

The fire safety team reached the restaurant and initially tried to dismantle the machine. However, it proved difficult and the woman was in pain. Later they cut the hair of the woman. Photo: Special Arrangement

Thiruvananthapuram: A woman, who accidentally got her hair entangled in a shawarma machine, in Thiruvananthapuram was rescued by fire and rescue services here on Wednesday. The incident happened in a restaurant at Palayam around 12.15 pm.

Adheeshya, a final year BCom student of Nilamel NSS College, ran into the shop when it rained. She slipped and fell onto the machine which was on and spinning. Her hair got stuck in the machine and she couldn't pull it back. Although the machine was switched off, she could not exrticate the hair, fire force personnel said. The machine was heating and hair had started to burn and due to stickiness in the grill, the hair got stuck.

The fire safety team reached the hotel and initially tried to dismantle the machine. However, it proved difficult and the woman was in pain. Later they chopped off her hair to rescue her. ''She was alright but got scared. She said she didn't need to go to a hospital,'' a fire force personnel from Chenkalchoola station said.

Adheeshya mother Prasanna Kumari said her daughter came to the University as part of higher studies. ''I hope she is okay. She told me she was having a headache,'' she said.

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